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When should you create a content fragment?
A. When dynamic content will be referenced in multiple emails
B. When dynamic content will be referenced in only one email
C. When fixed content will be referenced in only one email
D. When reusable content will be referenced in multiple emails
Correct Answer: D
A customer is sending an email delivery that needs to offer a 30% discount to their premium profiles, and a 20%
discount to the remaining profiles of the targeted audience. How would you best approach this requirement?
A. Create a visibility condition that displays the 30% discount to premium profiles only.
B. Create one delivery targeting premium profiles and one delivery targeting non-premium profiles.
C. Create dynamic content with one condition that displays the 30% discount to premium profiles.
D. Create a visibility condition that displays the 20% discount to non-premium profiles only.
Correct Answer: C
Every week, new data files are uploaded to the Adobe hosted SFTP server. What is the maximum time limit that files
remain on the SFTP server?
A. 30 days
B. 15 days
C. 20 days
D. 25 days
Correct Answer: B
You want to create a link between a custom resource “Office Location” and the Profile resource. Profiles and “Office
Location” each contain a six-character alphanumeric code (location ID) which uniquely define the office location. How
can you create this link?
A. On a custom profile resource, click “Add automatic ID field” and name it location ID and use it to define a link.
B. On a custom profile resource, define the location ID field as an “Identification keys” field.
C. Create a link in “Office Location”, use a specific join condition, and select the location ID fields of Profiles and “Office
D. Use the primary key in both tables to define the link.
Correct Answer: B
For what two types of data is it best practice to export using the package export process? Choose two.
A. Profile
B. Content Templates
C. Logs
D. Business Data
E. Workflows
Correct Answer: BE
Since the addition of a new geographic location to an existing Campaign instance, several users have reported they can
no longer log in to Campaign. What is the most likely cause of this issue?
A. The users belong to parallel units which are or the same level in the hierarchy.
B. Adding a new geographic location automatically updates access rights for existing users.
C. The user\\’s access rights cache in the Admin Console must be refreshed for the changes to appear.
D. Users will not be able to connect as they cannot belong to more than one geographical unit at a time.
Correct Answer: D
What three steps are needed to set up the double opt-in process? Choose three.
A. Create a new recurring delivery.
B. Set blacklist field of the Profile to false on double opt-in confirmation.
C. Create a new transactional message.
D. Create a confirmation landing page based on the Blacklist template or the Subscription template.
E. Set blacklist field of the Profile to true on double opt-in confirmation.
F. Create a confirmation landing page based on the Profile acquisition template or the Subscription template
Correct Answer: BCF
You want to export a file containing the Label value for all created emails. Which out-of-the-box resource do you need to
query in the Export Activity?
A. Campaign
B. Messages
C. Delivery
D. Logs
Correct Answer: B
A customer regularly uses a Query on the eventSubscriptions resource to select all profiles that are subscribed to an
event. What is the best practice for creating this Query?
A. Create a Query on the eventSubscriptions resource and select the email field from the profile link in the explorer
B. Create a filter under Administration > Development > Predefined filters and then select the eventSubscriptions
resource. Create a filter containing two parameters: email and event and use it in the Query.
C. Create a Query on the eventSubscriptions resource and select the email and event fields from this resource in the
Shortcuts menu.
D. Create a new filter definition for the eventSubscriptions resource containing two parameters: email and event and use
this filter in the Query.
Correct Answer: B
Review the following error message: The schema for profiles specified in the transition (\\’headxusEmployee\\’) is not
compatible with the schema defined in the delivery template {\\’nmsxecipient\\’). They should be identical.
What is causing this error?
A. There is no reconciliation with profiles.
B. There is no audience set in the delivery.
C. The schema in the delivery template is incorrect.
D. The transition is not linked to the delivery.
Correct Answer: D
Which configuration would allow a client to create a user that can access their French (FR) business unit but not allow
them access to German (DE) campaigns:
A. 1. Create new Security Groups named “FR Operators” and “DE Operators”
Map all FR marketing activities to “FR Operators” Security Group
Map the user to “FR Operators” group
B. 1. Create new Org Units named “FR” and “DE”
Create new Security Groups named “FR Operators” and “DE Operators”
Map Security groups to “FR” and “DE” Org Units, respectively
Map all FR marketing activities to “FR” Org Unit
Map the user to “FR Operators” group
C. 1. Create a new Org Unit named “EU”
Create new Security Groups named “FR Operators” and “DE Operators”
Map Security groups to “EU” Org Unit
Map all marketing activities to “EU” Org Unit
Map the user to “FR Operators” group
D. 1. Create new Org Units named “FR” and “DE”
Map all FR. marketing activities to “FR” Org Unit
Map the user to the “FR” Org Unit
Correct Answer: B
What are the two steps a developer must do to set up a key-based authentication in order to transfer files to the Adobehosted SFTP? Choose two.
A. Request Adobe support to whitelist IP addresses.
B. Upload a private key in the external account configuration.
C. Upload a public key in the external account configuration.
D. Provide the public key to Adobe support to have it uploaded to the SFTP server.
E. Provide the private key to Adobe support to have it uploaded to the SFTP server.
Correct Answer: AD
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